I'm a tool junkie.  When a friend sent me the link to the updated Spokane City GIS, I was blown away.  So much public information at my finger tips it's unreal.The Spokane GIS website in a nutshell is awesome.A few highlights:

  1. Layers - not only can you browse the map, but  you can apply overlays of information adding contextual information to the location you are researching.  My favorites are the Spokane water and Sewer line overlays and the Planning / use overlays.

  2. Google Street View integration - love this.  Walk down the streets and see the locations that you are researching.  All integrated into the site.

  3. Tools - My favorite is the measure.  Easily measure property lines or distances.  Granted not 100% accurate, but close enough to get an idea of what you are working with.  This can often be used to measure outbuildings, lengths of driveways, setbacks etc.

Whether you're looking to buy or sell a home, or doing research on an area, the Spokane GIS map is crucial to your search.  There is a tremendous amount of information at your fingertips!  If you're looking to buy a home on the other hand, be sure to check out our list of Spokane Homes For Sale!