Some days are just rough, like when the weather is in the 90's without a cloud in the sky and we're asked to show lake properties all day.

I mean, could it get any better hiking property along Hayden Lake an Lake Coeur d'Alene for eight hours, judging scenic views and waterfront quality?

We started out at Spokane Point in Cottonwood bay area of Coeur d'Alene on a nice (but steep) lot with a large view across Lake Coeur d'Alene, and Harrison ID off to the right. It was slow going initially getting to the bottom to see the water. Even the list agent seemed surprised we'd made it when we had called from the bottom to ask questions.

Next we were of to Turner Bay (ya the other side of the lake), but again a summer drive on the scenic highway along Lake Coeur d'Alene, yes please!

This property was a bit tougher as we only had a parcel number, and the late eighties seller vaguely remembered the location; using some free public resources and some graceful neighbors in the area, we met success finding the "outhouse" the elderly man spoke of.

The outhouse had been there for a while and appeared to even have asbestos siding, if that tells you how old it was.Somewhat disappointed in our prospects thus far we ventured up to the east side of Hayden Lake. Where, much to our surprise, we found three great semi-flat parcels (via lake front standards), some with some pretty decent waterfront.

Again, we were met with yet another old outhouse (Waterfront Marketing tip: place out house on property, use heavily, remove door).

Tired, sweaty, and thirsty we ventured back to civilization with our new found information ready to make some decisions. Overall a great day in the business and in the great Northwest.