@VistSpokane recently Tweeted an interesting article from the Spokesman Review that got me thinking... Having fun doesn't have to be expensive, it doesn't even have to cost anything.The article  discusses both indoor and outdoor activities one or all can do all within the confines of our great city, and all for free (or darn close).  My favorites are Riverside State park (it's been since high school that I was out there, and I can't tell you why I've waited so long to return - I love it there), and the Garland Theater cheap movies & all you can eat popcorn (I'm not very popular at all you can eat places).I'm reminded of simpler times - that small never-to-be-forgotten time in your life between school and gainful employment where everything you did was on a budget.  Thinking back - I had a lot of fun, and I'd forgotten about all these great places we have right in our back door. Take a peek at the list and head out to do something fun today!